Monday, February 28, 2005

When Things In Life Just Isn't The Way You Want It...

Sometimes in life we experience things that we think that is the most unlikely thing to happen to us. When things like that happen, we blame it on fate, life, unfairness. But have you ever thought that, even if that thing does not happen to you it will happen to one other person.

The person maybe someone you hate. Someone you don't even know. Or someone you love so dear you give your life for him/her. It is the same idea as "There will always be the lousiest student in class" there is no running away from it.

Being the 'lousiest' is always hard to accept. Some may act strong but deep inside they weep in silence. To accept one's 'defeat' is often difficult to achieve but once they overcome this and get back on their feet. Wounds will heal and that person gains great wisdom which books cannot teach.

Learning Only Begins When One Loses. Wining Is Just A Revision Of One's Knowledge.

-Dale Lee "The Pine"

The important thing is that life goes on even if you fall. Why not use that fall as a momentum and 'jump-start' the very next day?

Some may consider ending thier life when they meet such an obstacle in their life. By ending one's life, it is a selfish act and will create more problems than it can solve.

By ending one's life, what of your parents? They have given you life; to suffer on this Earth was never their intension. What hurts you hurts them twice as much. If they were beaten you or scolded you, it IS for your own good. Why would they want to injure their own flesh and blood? Would you use your left hand to hit the right? You are not that stupid, neither are they.

Think of the times when they looked after you day and night when you were sick.
Think of the times when you fell asleep on their laps and they will not even move an itch to avoid waking you up.
Think of the times when they would rush to school just to deliver your book which you left on the desk this morning in fear that you might be lectured by your teacher.
Did you ever know that you are the most beautiful thing to them from the first sight they saw you? And it will stay like that forever till the last day of their life...

A father and his daughter went mountain climbing on a very high mountain. The route was long and cold. The father was already suffering from breathing difficulty from the middle of the climb. However he chose to move one with his child. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the father and his daughter drank wine together in the cold weather. Soon after the father died.

The last thing that the father would remember is not the freezing weather or the tough route he took or not even the achievement hat he climbed the mountain. He would remember that he was on the top of a mountain drinking wine with his dearest daughter.


By ending one's life, what of your friends? Friends are the people that have been with you when you left the comfort of your home and family to strive out on your own. It is these people that encouraged you, supported you with the absence of your family. These people are called friends, the ones that you have chose to spend time with to understand them and know them better. The very existence of friend will affect your other half of your life.

Think of the times when you go out together and chat just about anything till the next morning.
Think of the times when you were sad and did not want to approach your parents, who was there to guide you? To comfort you and get you back to your feet again?
Think of the times when you just sit under the sun and talk about stupid things and laugh at them.
Think of the times when you would do the things with your friends that you are "too old to be doing" and enjoy it.

Can you bear to leave them?

"It'll be better if i'm gone." or "Nothing will change when i'm not around." these are few things that that you would say. The truth is the above sentences are never true. It will NOT be better with you gone. Things WILL change when you are no longer here. BBQs will never be the same again without you starting the flames, it not be the same without you to make the best soft drink that you always did for your friends. There will be one person less to share the joy on class gatherings. the atmosphere will never be the same again.


Just remember always that life has to go on, be it rain or shine. Why not have the whole road be sunny for you? You cannot change the way things happen, but you can change the way you look at them. Most of the happenings in life will make you stronger. But sometimes a real huge blow strikes you and knocks you down. Stand up! With a smile, wipe off the tears and dust. Continue on this road of life stronger than before...

Friday, February 25, 2005

On Kendo

There was once a meeting about a martial artist and a professor. They met for tea one day and decided to discuss about the martial arts. The martial artist explained the concept of Zen to the professor. However the professor, having his own views, argued about everything the martial artist was trying to teach.

The martial artist, later poured tea for the professor. Even though the cup was already full he kept pouring until the professor stoped him.

The professor asked why the martial artist did not stop pouring even though it was already full. The martial artist replied "Your mind is this cup. How can it contain more things when it is already full? How can you learn new things when you do not want to change what you alrady knew?"


Empty Your Mind To Learn More Things.


You Cannot Find What You Seek.
-Ancient Zen Riddle

Knowing Your Enermy Is Wisdom.
Knowing Yourself Is Enlightenment.
- Lao-Tzu

Always Think Of The Things At Hand.
For The Past Dilute The Present And The Future Clouds It.

Meaning, mistakes from the past will trouble you and thinking of the future will divert your attention on what you need to do now.

People That Win Often Do Not Get The Chance To Learn.
It Is The Ones That Lose That Learn.

Scars are not meant to remind us of a bad experience, but of the lessons we learn from it

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Stuff That Don't Fall Under Anything ^^

Well, here are the you can say, funny stuff. But some are meaningful too.

It Is God's Job To Forgive Bin Laden, But It Is Our Job To Set Up The Meeting.

-Dale Lee 'The Pine'

Bad Dreams All I'll Catch For You, Good Dreams All I Let Them Through.
On The Sign Of Next Day's Light, I Let These Bad Dreams All Take Flight.

-Dream Catcher

Keep Your Speech Introductions Short, For It Is Like The Skirts Of Girls
The Shorter The Better, But Still Enough To Do What It Is Suppose To Do.

-Dale Lee 'The Pine'

No Pain No Glory,
No Brain Same Story.

-Dale Lee 'The Pine'

Anything Worse Then Staying Back In School Till 6p.m. Is To Stay Till 6:30p.m.

-Dale Lee 'The Pine'

Copying Is Stealing And Also A Sin.
But Copy then Edit Is Called Creativity.

-Dale Lee "The Pine"

On the 28 Feb of 2005, it was about 8 p.m and i was about to leave school after doing the project. Just then i decided to go by the M&M machine to grab something to eat. Sulaiman was with me and i decide upon a Snickers Cruncher then i said..."Hey what's this ah i try. Never try before sia." I inserted my coins and pressed the button. I waited and waited for the stuff. However it did not appear under the 'open' tray. Realising that the machine 'cheated' my money i gave it a vigourous kick and brief body ram... Then with a quick turn i walked away after i had my fill of cursing and kicking. I headed home with a quarter of some Twix... Su was kind enough to share...

Never Eat Anything You Don't Know.

-Dale Lee "The Pine"


The Bestest Friends Are Those Who Can Sit With You Without Saying A Word,
And At The End Of The Day, You Both Walk Off Like You've Just Had The Best Conversation.

Friends Doubles The Joy And Halves The Sorrow.

Friends Either Break You Or Make You.

Make New Friends But Not Forget The Old,
For One Is Silver, The Other Is Gold.

Many interesting things...

Well... guess i'll keep this real simple... Main idea ere is for me to post real meaningful phrases or stories to inspire/encourage peopl around me and also for myself.

Here goes...