Monday, October 30, 2006

Conclusion of the 50 Questions Email i sent out and got back

The research has shown that most of the people whom i sent the 50 questions are unable to read questions correctly. Or ignoring the actually question totally.

Common mistakes occurs when one is presented with a question of How or What.

Usual errors consist of Answering a "Do you" instead of "How"

"Who" instead of "What"

Some tend to be easily influenced by other's answers. Ergo, not having a mind of their own or are just plain lazy to answer them. Common arguements about this issue results in the person claiming that he/she also thinks the same as the previous person who sent the email.

Others have shown the symptoms of UCC, (Un-Controllable Comments).
When a subject is presented with a question with an answer a previous speciment submitted, the subject tends to comment on the answer even if the question and instructions do not require such an activity.

50 Questions Report. 30 Oct 2006 2:16PM

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