A song that I would like to share with the excos 2005/06...
Your Heart Will Lead You Home
Sunny days and starry nights
And lazy afternoons
You're countin' castles in the clouds
And hummin' little tunes
But somehow, right before your eyes
The summer fades away
Everything is different
And everything has changed
If you feel lost and on your own
And far from home
You're never alone, you know
Just think of your friends
The ones who care
They all will be waiting there
With love to share
And your heart will lead you home
Funny how a photograph
Can take you back in time
To places and embraces
That you thought you'd left behind
They're trying to remind you
That you're not the only one
That no one is an island
When all is said and done
If you feel lost and on your own
And far from home
You're never alone, you know
Just think of your friends
The ones who care
They all will be waiting there with love to share
And your heart will lead you home
There'll come a day
When you're losing your way
And you won't know where you belong
They say that "Home is where the heart is"
So follow your heart
And know that you can't go wrong
If you feel lost and on your own
And far from home
You're never alone, you know
Just think of your friends
The one who care
They all will be waiting there
With love to share
And your heart will lead you
If you feel lost and on your own
And far from home
You're never alone, you know
Just think of your friends
The ones who care
They all will be waiting there
With love to share
And your heart will lead you
Where you belong
I know your heart will lead you home
If anyone interested to get the song can msg me on msn...
(Damn it how you put music on blog ah?)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
SIT Cruise
The SIT cruise is in operation now as i type this article.
In general this cruise would be a gambling ship. Although here are facilities for non-gamblers to play around with. But the main attraction is the gambling house.
Here's what's in the gambling house:
There a security guard that guards the place. In fact that's the only thing he can do lah... Bo bian. He's been there 4 years can counting liao. He cannot gamble, if gamble sure tio by the gamblers inside one.
Up next we have a cafe over at the corner for people to relax. Last time actually sell nachos one but lose money ah then change to cafe. Earn very fast.
We have a black jack table in the middle of the place. One of the many many players became the banker lah. Then the banker has been winning ever since. Even the banker cheat the player also still play on one. If the player decide to leave ah, the banker very jian. Sit there and wait for the player come back. And the player really come back ah. Sometimes the cards haven't even deal the banker win liao.
Another section is the gambling house is the jackpot area. 5 rows one very hard to kena the jackpot. So after $2000, $2000 liddat wack ah, wack nothing then switch ah. Switch to a 2 row one, easier to tio wad. But the 2 row jackpot a lot of problem one lah... Can stuck ah and stuff. The good thing is that jackpot can bring around lah portable... But need alot of time lah. To play and to fix.
Ultimately, there is the money changer!!! Just sits behind the counter.. change money lah. How hard can it get? Sure earn one. Everytime people change ah he pocket 1 dollar liddat. Then is a lot of people come change you know... Serious man, the most jian one. Then sit behind the counter buy eat mooncake lah. Jian sia...
To be continued...
In general this cruise would be a gambling ship. Although here are facilities for non-gamblers to play around with. But the main attraction is the gambling house.
Here's what's in the gambling house:
There a security guard that guards the place. In fact that's the only thing he can do lah... Bo bian. He's been there 4 years can counting liao. He cannot gamble, if gamble sure tio by the gamblers inside one.
Up next we have a cafe over at the corner for people to relax. Last time actually sell nachos one but lose money ah then change to cafe. Earn very fast.
We have a black jack table in the middle of the place. One of the many many players became the banker lah. Then the banker has been winning ever since. Even the banker cheat the player also still play on one. If the player decide to leave ah, the banker very jian. Sit there and wait for the player come back. And the player really come back ah. Sometimes the cards haven't even deal the banker win liao.
Another section is the gambling house is the jackpot area. 5 rows one very hard to kena the jackpot. So after $2000, $2000 liddat wack ah, wack nothing then switch ah. Switch to a 2 row one, easier to tio wad. But the 2 row jackpot a lot of problem one lah... Can stuck ah and stuff. The good thing is that jackpot can bring around lah portable... But need alot of time lah. To play and to fix.
Ultimately, there is the money changer!!! Just sits behind the counter.. change money lah. How hard can it get? Sure earn one. Everytime people change ah he pocket 1 dollar liddat. Then is a lot of people come change you know... Serious man, the most jian one. Then sit behind the counter buy eat mooncake lah. Jian sia...
To be continued...
Monday, October 30, 2006
Conclusion of the 50 Questions Email i sent out and got back
The research has shown that most of the people whom i sent the 50 questions are unable to read questions correctly. Or ignoring the actually question totally.
Common mistakes occurs when one is presented with a question of How or What.
Usual errors consist of Answering a "Do you" instead of "How"
"Who" instead of "What"
Some tend to be easily influenced by other's answers. Ergo, not having a mind of their own or are just plain lazy to answer them. Common arguements about this issue results in the person claiming that he/she also thinks the same as the previous person who sent the email.
Others have shown the symptoms of UCC, (Un-Controllable Comments).
When a subject is presented with a question with an answer a previous speciment submitted, the subject tends to comment on the answer even if the question and instructions do not require such an activity.
50 Questions Report. 30 Oct 2006 2:16PM
Common mistakes occurs when one is presented with a question of How or What.
Usual errors consist of Answering a "Do you" instead of "How"
"Who" instead of "What"
Some tend to be easily influenced by other's answers. Ergo, not having a mind of their own or are just plain lazy to answer them. Common arguements about this issue results in the person claiming that he/she also thinks the same as the previous person who sent the email.
Others have shown the symptoms of UCC, (Un-Controllable Comments).
When a subject is presented with a question with an answer a previous speciment submitted, the subject tends to comment on the answer even if the question and instructions do not require such an activity.
50 Questions Report. 30 Oct 2006 2:16PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
Kingdom Hearts!!!!
Woah Damn cool!
Where's Sora?
woah! Damn nice music also! Anyone can find that piece of music PLEASE send me!!!
It's called Hikari but rock version.
Those can help me find de pls help! ^^
Oei X help me find leh
Where's Sora?
woah! Damn nice music also! Anyone can find that piece of music PLEASE send me!!!
It's called Hikari but rock version.
Those can help me find de pls help! ^^
Oei X help me find leh
Friday, October 13, 2006
To forward or not to forward?
Today's discussion is to forward or not to forward?
The question that poeple poundered for ages; To be or not to be?
It drove some craxy, it drove some rich. But hey today's question has been changed to fit this certain topic, and that is as seen on the title,
To forward or not to forward?
The answer is simple! Really! No need to use half your life to calculate it.
The answer is....
Woah 630 liao... bye people i going off from work! wah ahah For the answer to the question tomorrow night then i will complete this post.
Completing consists of spell check. So any spelling errors dun come find me first.
The answer is simple! The answer is NO. You should not forward that email!
Chain mails have been around since I-dunno-when times. Most these mails consist of information either blackmailing you, or simply just cursing you. There are a few famous examples... Such as
1. Your email/msn account will shutdown.
2. You will get free stuff.
3. Fowarding for good/bad luck.
4. Make-a-wish mails.
5. Each mails donates money.(Special case)
Let's go through these examples one by one. For the first example, i actually kept one of the chain mails just to show it here.
It reads as follows:
hey everyone, listen up .
On the 1st of november , we will have to pay for the use of our MSN and email accounts unless we send this message to at least 18 contacts on your contact list. It's no joke if you don't believe me then go to the site (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1189119.stm ) and see for yourself.
Anyways once you've sent this message to at least 18
contacts, your msn dude will become blue. please copy and paste don't
forward cos people won't take notice of it.
Hey it is Andy and john the directors of MSN, sorry for the interruption but msn is closing down. this is because too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the name (eg making up lots of different accounts for just one person), we only have 578
names left.
That's the email i recieved, some will forward it some won't. Let's go point by point to analyse this email and also the person who sent it to me.
First point...
On the 1st of november , we will have to pay for the use of our MSN and email accounts unless we send this message to at least 18 contacts on your contact list. It's no joke if you don't believe me then go to the site (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1189119.stm ) and see for yourself.
The ones in bold are the problem ones, look at the first one
PAY for MSN? Are you sure?! They are more than happy for you to use their service! NEXT!
If at any point of time anyone reading this does not agree with me, do drop me a note and I will debate with you.
Second point.
My question is, how on earth are they going to check EVERY account that have had sent to at least 18?! Plus they will have to check whether those contacts that were sent to are in your contact list?!
Ok, ok. Fine. So you say they have Super computers and blah blah. It is possible. Chance given. Here's another question then... You know how many account there are in the world? When do you want them to start checking? How much TIME and MONEY will they need to check everything?
Very smart, there's a webbie given to make you believe that the mail is true.
Believe Points ++?
NO! --!
I think that this is the biggest hole in the whole email... Why?
Because, note that the webbie reads.. /1/hi/business... hi! wtf? HI! Which professional website that reports important news uses /hi/? Unless this is your HTML project, very unlikely... Actually I kind of find this to be quite funny. Maybe it was in an attempt to bluff people into forwarding mails, he used this 'strategy' but too bad lah, kena backfired. HI! lol
Next paragraph!
Anyways once you've sent this message to at least 18
contacts, your msn dude will become blue. please copy and paste don't
forward cos people won't take notice of it.
This one is just repeating the 18 people. Oh?! my msn dude turn blue leh! Wasn't it blue EVER SINCE MSN WAS AROUND?! Unless you sign out lah.
What was amizing and very funny is that... cehck out the line:
Huh... a while you ask me to forward, a while you tell me not to forward... What's the amzing part is that the person who sent this email to me, lol! FORWARDED IT! HAHA! Hey if you don't want your msn to close down ah please at least read instructions correctly hor!! Ha ha! Please lah... You people ah, damn funny one.
hahahaha...next next..haahah
Hey it is Andy and john the directors of MSN, sorry for the interruption but msn is closing down. this is because too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the name (eg making up lots of different accounts for just one person), we only have 578
names left.
First of all, directors talk to you like that one ah? Hey hello! Ho bo? Oei wan go makan not?! Their english also very poor, Hey it is Andy and john...
IT is ah?!
john no need to caps meh? John leh.
Runnning out of names? I don't believe a word of it. Look at your keyboard. How many combinations of names u can come up with? if you want to know how many combinations which consist of just numbers can give you...
There are 9 numbers, there is no limit to how many numbers you can type in. On the calculator, you have to type this in. 9C-Unlimited- Good luck there! 578 left seh... So much people in the world man!
And last but not least! The 'finishing blow'!
One moment want to close your account, one moment need to shut down server... Which one you want to do?! Shut down half meh? SiaoZ.
If I'm one of the few that did not recieve this email? does it mean mine will auto close down? You can easily go to court for this man. Objection!
If this email is sooooo professional to make you believe and send it, it says here...
10.00 wad? Stones? Chain mails? Get a life man.
That will be all for the first example. On to the next!
Emails which tells you that free products will be given... Just doesn't make sense does it? In general the flaws of the email has been explained above.
Number 3. Good luck/bad luck
Preys upon the humans heart of better safe than sorry, same as insurance. That's how they earn your money. Most people live through their lives happily without any accidents and stuff.Why do you buy insurance? Because you want to kena accident so you can say "Woah heng ah! Got buy iinsurance!" I'll pass on that.
Number 4. Make a wish scroll down slowly!
Suckers... That's what the inventors of these mails are thinking everytime someone does it. Sure, no harm doing it. Suckers... Try a well man, it works better.
Now on to the kind of mails that Donates a certain amount of each mail you forward...
Honestly, i don't see how forwarding mail can earn you money. If it were true we wound not need donations already. A bit cruel hearted here but i can say i do not believe and do not forward these kind of mails either...
You can call me heartless...
This is a heartless

While this is a nobody

That's all for this topic of forwarding mails!
The question that poeple poundered for ages; To be or not to be?
It drove some craxy, it drove some rich. But hey today's question has been changed to fit this certain topic, and that is as seen on the title,
To forward or not to forward?
The answer is simple! Really! No need to use half your life to calculate it.
The answer is....
Woah 630 liao... bye people i going off from work! wah ahah For the answer to the question tomorrow night then i will complete this post.
Completing consists of spell check. So any spelling errors dun come find me first.
The answer is simple! The answer is NO. You should not forward that email!
Chain mails have been around since I-dunno-when times. Most these mails consist of information either blackmailing you, or simply just cursing you. There are a few famous examples... Such as
1. Your email/msn account will shutdown.
2. You will get free stuff.
3. Fowarding for good/bad luck.
4. Make-a-wish mails.
5. Each mails donates money.(Special case)
Let's go through these examples one by one. For the first example, i actually kept one of the chain mails just to show it here.
It reads as follows:
hey everyone, listen up .
On the 1st of november , we will have to pay for the use of our MSN and email accounts unless we send this message to at least 18 contacts on your contact list. It's no joke if you don't believe me then go to the site (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1189119.stm ) and see for yourself.
Anyways once you've sent this message to at least 18
contacts, your msn dude will become blue. please copy and paste don't
forward cos people won't take notice of it.
Hey it is Andy and john the directors of MSN, sorry for the interruption but msn is closing down. this is because too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the name (eg making up lots of different accounts for just one person), we only have 578
names left.
That's the email i recieved, some will forward it some won't. Let's go point by point to analyse this email and also the person who sent it to me.
First point...
On the 1st of november , we will have to pay for the use of our MSN and email accounts unless we send this message to at least 18 contacts on your contact list. It's no joke if you don't believe me then go to the site (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1189119.stm ) and see for yourself.
The ones in bold are the problem ones, look at the first one
pay for the use of our MSN
PAY for MSN? Are you sure?! They are more than happy for you to use their service! NEXT!
If at any point of time anyone reading this does not agree with me, do drop me a note and I will debate with you.
Second point.
at least 18 contacts on your contact list
My question is, how on earth are they going to check EVERY account that have had sent to at least 18?! Plus they will have to check whether those contacts that were sent to are in your contact list?!
Ok, ok. Fine. So you say they have Super computers and blah blah. It is possible. Chance given. Here's another question then... You know how many account there are in the world? When do you want them to start checking? How much TIME and MONEY will they need to check everything?
(http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1189119.stm )
Very smart, there's a webbie given to make you believe that the mail is true.
Believe Points ++?
NO! --!
I think that this is the biggest hole in the whole email... Why?
Because, note that the webbie reads.. /1/hi/business... hi! wtf? HI! Which professional website that reports important news uses /hi/? Unless this is your HTML project, very unlikely... Actually I kind of find this to be quite funny. Maybe it was in an attempt to bluff people into forwarding mails, he used this 'strategy' but too bad lah, kena backfired. HI! lol
Next paragraph!
Anyways once you've sent this message to at least 18
contacts, your msn dude will become blue. please copy and paste don't
forward cos people won't take notice of it.
This one is just repeating the 18 people. Oh?! my msn dude turn blue leh! Wasn't it blue EVER SINCE MSN WAS AROUND?! Unless you sign out lah.
What was amizing and very funny is that... cehck out the line:
please copy and paste don't
forward cos people won't take notice of it.
Huh... a while you ask me to forward, a while you tell me not to forward... What's the amzing part is that the person who sent this email to me, lol! FORWARDED IT! HAHA! Hey if you don't want your msn to close down ah please at least read instructions correctly hor!! Ha ha! Please lah... You people ah, damn funny one.
hahahaha...next next..haahah
Hey it is Andy and john the directors of MSN, sorry for the interruption but msn is closing down. this is because too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the name (eg making up lots of different accounts for just one person), we only have 578
names left.
First of all, directors talk to you like that one ah? Hey hello! Ho bo? Oei wan go makan not?! Their english also very poor, Hey it is Andy and john...
IT is ah?!
john no need to caps meh? John leh.
Runnning out of names? I don't believe a word of it. Look at your keyboard. How many combinations of names u can come up with? if you want to know how many combinations which consist of just numbers can give you...
There are 9 numbers, there is no limit to how many numbers you can type in. On the calculator, you have to type this in. 9C-Unlimited- Good luck there! 578 left seh... So much people in the world man!
And last but not least! The 'finishing blow'!
One moment want to close your account, one moment need to shut down server... Which one you want to do?! Shut down half meh? SiaoZ.
If I'm one of the few that did not recieve this email? does it mean mine will auto close down? You can easily go to court for this man. Objection!
If this email is sooooo professional to make you believe and send it, it says here...
10.00 wad? Stones? Chain mails? Get a life man.
That will be all for the first example. On to the next!
Emails which tells you that free products will be given... Just doesn't make sense does it? In general the flaws of the email has been explained above.
Number 3. Good luck/bad luck
Preys upon the humans heart of better safe than sorry, same as insurance. That's how they earn your money. Most people live through their lives happily without any accidents and stuff.Why do you buy insurance? Because you want to kena accident so you can say "Woah heng ah! Got buy iinsurance!" I'll pass on that.
Number 4. Make a wish scroll down slowly!
Suckers... That's what the inventors of these mails are thinking everytime someone does it. Sure, no harm doing it. Suckers... Try a well man, it works better.
Now on to the kind of mails that Donates a certain amount of each mail you forward...
Honestly, i don't see how forwarding mail can earn you money. If it were true we wound not need donations already. A bit cruel hearted here but i can say i do not believe and do not forward these kind of mails either...
You can call me heartless...
This is a heartless
While this is a nobody
That's all for this topic of forwarding mails!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
To my other Gemini
To my one only other ever so close Gemini friend...
You owe me an explanation. Get your ass out of there well.
You will tell me that explanation with YOUR own fucking mouth.! With your own fucking voice!
Until then... That explanation will remain from what I know of you. It's called 'forget'...
Get ass out of there... Please...
You owe me an explanation. Get your ass out of there well.
You will tell me that explanation with YOUR own fucking mouth.! With your own fucking voice!
Until then... That explanation will remain from what I know of you. It's called 'forget'...
Get ass out of there... Please...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Haze ah~~
Look up in the sky!
There's no birds!
There's no planes!
Cos the only orh lu lu thing you can see is the haze!
Recently Singapore kena some hazey situation ah... from a certain country that i will not lah. But everyone knows which one i am talking about by hey you know, let's just keep my mailbox free of lawyer letters. So here goes... Comments on the orh lu lu thing in the sky!
Few things i noticed when the last fri & sat with the haze ah. Is that..
1. No birds
Er.. i think that's the only thing i can remember lah, maybe another thing is that it makes me sick lah. Everytime go out ah got that oily oily smell seh. Then it causes me to curse and swear more also.
Up next we will study the pros and cons of this haze-thingy.
------------------------------------News Flash!--------------------------------
On tonight's news @ 7:36pm we bring you the anal-ysis of the haze that has struck Singaporeans by shocking surpise...
Video conferences from the SHOO(Singapore Haze Outcasting 'Orang') indicates that the PSI(Puah! Sway! Index) is an sibei unhealthy score of 130 and above... These were the quotes from the conferences.
"Wah lan eh! The PSI hor sibei unhealthy ah! Wah got 130 liao lo."
"Siao bo... still laising leh..."
"Laise some more Singapore don't need to breathe liao ah! Haiyo die lah..."
"Kanina! Chao...." *ZAP*
*Conference ends*
*Back to the news guy*
Wah lau... Where got bad word one... fu... *feedback* Holy shit! I didn't know the mic was...!
*Ahem* Such petrifying report from the SHOO. The SHOO has also warned all citizens to Please Stay Indoors as long the intimidating Haze continues to engulf our beautiful island.
Coming up, we have John who's out in the Haze to bring us a life report of the situation outside the safe borders of this building.
John can you hear me?!
*Cam on John Live!*
Hey! Hey! News Guy! Yup...! I'm outside in this Haze! The only thing that stand between me and the Haze is this special mask that protects me from certain death from inhaling too much of the Haze!
News Guy: "Did you just say certain death John?!"
Yes! Yes I did News Guy! These poor souls are doom to die without this special mask!
I will try to interview them before they all die...
*stops a passer by*
Yo! how are you doing man?!
Old uncle: "Aiya.. No problem one lah! Lim bei live so long liao ah wad Haze never see before?! These young people a bit bit then die liao! Not zai one! Hai..."
So I see! So wad are your comments on this Haze?
Old uncle: "Wah lan... The *country will not be named* stupid sia! Wad burn trees lah... Make the whole world suffer... Then somemore ah! Now moon cake festival ah! Cannot see the moon ah! Haze untill the Chang er 's rabbit also become black color liao lo! Haiz.. She should not have eaten the pink color grape ah... IF not ah~"
*interrupts* Oh yes! Yes! We do not need to know what caused Chang Er to go to the moon lah... Ha Ha Thanks uncle! Back to you News Guy!
Thank you John! That's the end of our news... What? The pros and cons of Haze? No lah... That's the programme that we interrupted for the news mah... aiyo! Back to the programme!
Thank you Citizens!
---------------------------------End News Flash-------------------------------
That was some long news huh... Well back to my pros and cons of the stupid Haze lah... Let's start off by listening to the Gooood Stuff...
Goood Stuff:
1. Can tell the boss u sick, because of Haze. They cannot do anything one.
2. Got excuse to stay at home when people ask you out but lazy.
3. Got excuse to curse and swear then you just blame it on the Haze.
4. Can blame the Haze for almost anything.
5. It covers up the sun.
The Bad Things:
1. You can really get sick.
2. It covers up the moon.
3. It covers up the sun.
4. Excuse for parents to tell you cannot go out.
(But it's true lah. I'll stand on my mom's side for this matter.)
5. Those lazy friend finally get a flawless excuse why he/she cannot go out with you.
6. Always need to on Air-con at home.
7. It gets freaking hot.
8. Makes you seh`!
9. Haze + Second hand smoke = Die even faster.
10.Haze just sucks.
As you can see the bad things are two times the amount of the good ones... what's more the good ones ain't all that good either...
This concludes for today's Hazanalysis.
Stay tuned for "How did Chang Er even end up there?!"
There's no birds!
There's no planes!
Cos the only orh lu lu thing you can see is the haze!
Recently Singapore kena some hazey situation ah... from a certain country that i will not lah. But everyone knows which one i am talking about by hey you know, let's just keep my mailbox free of lawyer letters. So here goes... Comments on the orh lu lu thing in the sky!
Few things i noticed when the last fri & sat with the haze ah. Is that..
1. No birds
Er.. i think that's the only thing i can remember lah, maybe another thing is that it makes me sick lah. Everytime go out ah got that oily oily smell seh. Then it causes me to curse and swear more also.
Up next we will study the pros and cons of this haze-thingy.
------------------------------------News Flash!--------------------------------
On tonight's news @ 7:36pm we bring you the anal-ysis of the haze that has struck Singaporeans by shocking surpise...
Video conferences from the SHOO(Singapore Haze Outcasting 'Orang') indicates that the PSI(Puah! Sway! Index) is an sibei unhealthy score of 130 and above... These were the quotes from the conferences.
"Wah lan eh! The PSI hor sibei unhealthy ah! Wah got 130 liao lo."
"Laise some more Singapore don't need to breathe liao ah! Haiyo die lah..."
*Conference ends*
*Back to the news guy*
*Ahem* Such petrifying report from the SHOO. The SHOO has also warned all citizens to Please Stay Indoors as long the intimidating Haze continues to engulf our beautiful island.
Coming up, we have John who's out in the Haze to bring us a life report of the situation outside the safe borders of this building.
John can you hear me?!
*Cam on John Live!*
Hey! Hey! News Guy! Yup...! I'm outside in this Haze! The only thing that stand between me and the Haze is this special mask that protects me from certain death from inhaling too much of the Haze!
News Guy: "Did you just say certain death John?!"
Yes! Yes I did News Guy! These poor souls are doom to die without this special mask!
I will try to interview them before they all die...
*stops a passer by*
Yo! how are you doing man?!
Old uncle: "Aiya.. No problem one lah! Lim bei live so long liao ah wad Haze never see before?! These young people a bit bit then die liao! Not zai one! Hai..."
So I see! So wad are your comments on this Haze?
Old uncle: "Wah lan... The *country will not be named* stupid sia! Wad burn trees lah... Make the whole world suffer... Then somemore ah! Now moon cake festival ah! Cannot see the moon ah! Haze untill the Chang er 's rabbit also become black color liao lo! Haiz.. She should not have eaten the pink color grape ah... IF not ah~"
*interrupts* Oh yes! Yes! We do not need to know what caused Chang Er to go to the moon lah... Ha Ha Thanks uncle! Back to you News Guy!
Thank you John! That's the end of our news... What? The pros and cons of Haze? No lah... That's the programme that we interrupted for the news mah... aiyo! Back to the programme!
Thank you Citizens!
---------------------------------End News Flash-------------------------------
That was some long news huh... Well back to my pros and cons of the stupid Haze lah... Let's start off by listening to the Gooood Stuff...
Goood Stuff:
1. Can tell the boss u sick, because of Haze. They cannot do anything one.
2. Got excuse to stay at home when people ask you out but lazy.
3. Got excuse to curse and swear then you just blame it on the Haze.
4. Can blame the Haze for almost anything.
5. It covers up the sun.
The Bad Things:
1. You can really get sick.
2. It covers up the moon.
3. It covers up the sun.
4. Excuse for parents to tell you cannot go out.
(But it's true lah. I'll stand on my mom's side for this matter.)
5. Those lazy friend finally get a flawless excuse why he/she cannot go out with you.
6. Always need to on Air-con at home.
7. It gets freaking hot.
8. Makes you seh`!
9. Haze + Second hand smoke = Die even faster.
10.Haze just sucks.
As you can see the bad things are two times the amount of the good ones... what's more the good ones ain't all that good either...
This concludes for today's Hazanalysis.
Stay tuned for "How did Chang Er even end up there?!"
Friday, October 06, 2006
The 87% Gemini Guy
Some cool stuff to watch/listen, this is cool ah then somemore i learning driving wah ha ha
Some other cool stuffZ
Some other cool stuffZ
You are 87% Gemini |
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
New post!!
Finally a new post has come.... That's mainly because i have nothing to do @ work over here at Neil road...
Dunno wad to type also lah... actually just wanted to type down something i found very meaningful
The only thing more painful than getting hurt is giving up on tomorrow and lying to yourself.
Got this from some anime song ah ok i go back watch liaoZ
Dunno wad to type also lah... actually just wanted to type down something i found very meaningful
The only thing more painful than getting hurt is giving up on tomorrow and lying to yourself.
Got this from some anime song ah ok i go back watch liaoZ
Saturday, September 02, 2006
MY first teacher's day
It's teacher's day but not the same as before... Because we, the seniors of SIT 2006/07 are the teachers...! Thank you Excos 2006/07!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Right on...
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence.
Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.
Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.
The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there."
The little boy then understood how powerful his words were. He looked up at his father and said "I hope you can forgive me father for the holes I put in you."
"Of course I can," said the father.
When you say something spiteful in anger, you leave a scar on someone who cares. And because you're not just anyone, it hurts so much more.
Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.
Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.
The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there."
The little boy then understood how powerful his words were. He looked up at his father and said "I hope you can forgive me father for the holes I put in you."
"Of course I can," said the father.
When you say something spiteful in anger, you leave a scar on someone who cares. And because you're not just anyone, it hurts so much more.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
simple blog, cool happenings
Something damn fucking retarded happened a few hours ago.
If it wasn't that retarded, I wouldn't be blogging right now. Here's the scenario.
Encounter with a Fucktard version 1.0
* NOTE the following is not edited yet... later then edit... lol * got lesson
Irddy, Robin, X, and I were waiting at the Block N Level 6 for Hanz.
Robin: What the fuck is Hanz doing in there man?
("Hey boy, stop using vulgarities" echoes from the background)
Robin: (looks at me) ...
Me: (looks at Robin) o.O
Irddy: Shitting
Robin: Chow Chee Bye, what the hell was that?
Pimpled face bespectacled student from the School Of Engineering walks over.
Fucktard: Don't you use dialect vulgarities!
Robin: an zhua, buay sai si boh?
Fucktard: You're disgracing the school.
We: -_-
Irddy: What's wrong with using vulgarities? We're only using it amongst ourselves.
Robin: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Interlude - Some random conversation carries on.
Robin: So who said we're not allowed to use vulgarities? Your Mommy(whinny voice)?
Fucktard points his fat stout finger right in robin face.
Robin: Nabeh you better stop pointing your finger at me or I'm gonna whack you.
Fucktard: If you don't stop using vulgarities I'm going to slap you.
Robin: Bring it if you dare. You know what's gonna happen if you dare touch me.
Fucktard: I'm going to report you to the Principal
We: Principal? (bursts out laughing)
Fucktard: Stop using vulgarities!
*Hanz walks out of the toilet
Hanz: What's going on ar?
*Robin walks over to Hanz.
Robin: eh Chow Chee Bye, what you doing sia?
Fucktard: Hey don't scold your friend vulgarity.
Hanz: (looks at Robin then with both hands in air) Fuck it man!
*Fucktard TOUCHES robin's arm to get his attention
Robin: You better get your hands off me or I'm gonna whack you.
X: Which law have we broken?
*Robin turns around to explain to Hanz about the little Fucktard.
*Fucktard TOUCHES Robin AGAIN.
Robin: Eh Chee Bye la you better stop fucking touching me or I'm really gonna give it to you.
*Lift door opens, there's someone else inside. Fucktard holds the button.
Fucktard: (points at the lift) I want you to go in NOW.
We: WTF?
Me: Eh let go of the button and let the guy go down lah.
*Fucktard takes out his little fucktard phone.
Fucktard: I'm gonna call the Principal now!
X: I'm waiting for your lawyer's letter. Sue me if you dare.
Fucktard: I'm gonna call the Principal.
X: No, don' call the Principal. Call the police NOW.
*Fucktard cowers in fear.
*X points at Fucktard and continues his barrage of words.
*Lecturer appears from a classroom after hearing the commotionSo that concludes our little adventure. The lecturer didn't take sides with him 'cos it's kinda obvious that he has a screw loose. The next time I see him, I'm gonna splew vulgarities like there's no tomorrow. Fuck it, Robin says.
The above is TRUE and it happened right in front of us! OMG. NYP do have weird people. He is year one. Wears a purple landyard... not sure which school he belongs to...
Pls note that I was laughing my ass off most of the time while listening to the conversation.
It's a joke I tell you!!! Disgrace the schoool leh! He really said that lo! Was like WTF?!?!? Since when do people start caring about the school?! LOL! Hell the school doesn't even care about us seh... haha this is some funny shit. Glad i skipped lessons for it woo~~! No wait there was "no lesson" to begin with ^^
If it wasn't that retarded, I wouldn't be blogging right now. Here's the scenario.
Encounter with a Fucktard version 1.0
* NOTE the following is not edited yet... later then edit... lol * got lesson
Irddy, Robin, X, and I were waiting at the Block N Level 6 for Hanz.
Robin: What the fuck is Hanz doing in there man?
("Hey boy, stop using vulgarities" echoes from the background)
Robin: (looks at me) ...
Me: (looks at Robin) o.O
Irddy: Shitting
Robin: Chow Chee Bye, what the hell was that?
Pimpled face bespectacled student from the School Of Engineering walks over.
Fucktard: Don't you use dialect vulgarities!
Robin: an zhua, buay sai si boh?
Fucktard: You're disgracing the school.
We: -_-
Irddy: What's wrong with using vulgarities? We're only using it amongst ourselves.
Robin: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Interlude - Some random conversation carries on.
Robin: So who said we're not allowed to use vulgarities? Your Mommy(whinny voice)?
Fucktard points his fat stout finger right in robin face.
Robin: Nabeh you better stop pointing your finger at me or I'm gonna whack you.
Fucktard: If you don't stop using vulgarities I'm going to slap you.
Robin: Bring it if you dare. You know what's gonna happen if you dare touch me.
Fucktard: I'm going to report you to the Principal
We: Principal? (bursts out laughing)
Fucktard: Stop using vulgarities!
*Hanz walks out of the toilet
Hanz: What's going on ar?
*Robin walks over to Hanz.
Robin: eh Chow Chee Bye, what you doing sia?
Fucktard: Hey don't scold your friend vulgarity.
Hanz: (looks at Robin then with both hands in air) Fuck it man!
*Fucktard TOUCHES robin's arm to get his attention
Robin: You better get your hands off me or I'm gonna whack you.
X: Which law have we broken?
*Robin turns around to explain to Hanz about the little Fucktard.
*Fucktard TOUCHES Robin AGAIN.
Robin: Eh Chee Bye la you better stop fucking touching me or I'm really gonna give it to you.
*Lift door opens, there's someone else inside. Fucktard holds the button.
Fucktard: (points at the lift) I want you to go in NOW.
We: WTF?
Me: Eh let go of the button and let the guy go down lah.
*Fucktard takes out his little fucktard phone.
Fucktard: I'm gonna call the Principal now!
X: I'm waiting for your lawyer's letter. Sue me if you dare.
Fucktard: I'm gonna call the Principal.
X: No, don' call the Principal. Call the police NOW.
*Fucktard cowers in fear.
*X points at Fucktard and continues his barrage of words.
*Lecturer appears from a classroom after hearing the commotionSo that concludes our little adventure. The lecturer didn't take sides with him 'cos it's kinda obvious that he has a screw loose. The next time I see him, I'm gonna splew vulgarities like there's no tomorrow. Fuck it, Robin says.
The above is TRUE and it happened right in front of us! OMG. NYP do have weird people. He is year one. Wears a purple landyard... not sure which school he belongs to...
Pls note that I was laughing my ass off most of the time while listening to the conversation.
It's a joke I tell you!!! Disgrace the schoool leh! He really said that lo! Was like WTF?!?!? Since when do people start caring about the school?! LOL! Hell the school doesn't even care about us seh... haha this is some funny shit. Glad i skipped lessons for it woo~~! No wait there was "no lesson" to begin with ^^
Saturday, April 22, 2006
A lesson learnt I'll never forget
As of today... the 21st of April 2006, 11:57am...
A lesson was thaught to me about being selfish...
When someone ask for your help to do something, you may reject it. I did.
Without actually knowing that the person has been helping you with your requests all this while.
I rejected it saying it was troublesome, I was tired. It was pointless doing it...
These were my views.
I never thought of how the other party felt... Did he not find it troublesome? Was he not tired? Did that help meant more to him then to me?
He was tired... He knew it was troublesome but it had to be done. Without having the knowledge to complete the task, he asked for my help.
I rejected...
I only realied this when she talked to me. Is he not tired from working from day to night? Do you know that it might have been important to him? Did he ever turned down a request by you?
He was tired i knew.
I thought of how important the matter mght have been.
No, he has not turned down a request by me.
Waking up early just to fetch me to school, even when he does not have to work on that day...
Waking up early just to ring me to places i need to reach very early in the morning...
Staying up late just to wait for me to come home and tell me that food is in the microwave oven...
She made me realise how selfish i was... I feel guilty now... But time cannot rewind.
妈, 谢谢你。。。
A lesson was thaught to me about being selfish...
When someone ask for your help to do something, you may reject it. I did.
Without actually knowing that the person has been helping you with your requests all this while.
I rejected it saying it was troublesome, I was tired. It was pointless doing it...
These were my views.
I never thought of how the other party felt... Did he not find it troublesome? Was he not tired? Did that help meant more to him then to me?
He was tired... He knew it was troublesome but it had to be done. Without having the knowledge to complete the task, he asked for my help.
I rejected...
I only realied this when she talked to me. Is he not tired from working from day to night? Do you know that it might have been important to him? Did he ever turned down a request by you?
He was tired i knew.
I thought of how important the matter mght have been.
No, he has not turned down a request by me.
Waking up early just to fetch me to school, even when he does not have to work on that day...
Waking up early just to ring me to places i need to reach very early in the morning...
Staying up late just to wait for me to come home and tell me that food is in the microwave oven...
She made me realise how selfish i was... I feel guilty now... But time cannot rewind.
妈, 谢谢你。。。
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Sowing The Seeds of Orientation 2006
This was written @ the 2nd week of the orientation planning...
If someone were to ask me... "Are They ready? Have preparations been made from head to toe?"
I would reply as of today, "I doubt so..."
But deep in my heart and from what i know,
Through the 2 weeks they WILL grow.
Start off firm and start off strong,
During planning, right the wrongs.
For this is similar to of planting seeds.
Much work is needed to succeed.
Work in excellence, work as one.
Young plants don't grow with nurseries undone.
I believe that on that day,
They will not be the ones to pray.
With enough confidence to conquer all,
No problems on that day will make them fall.
This is the wish that's in me,
I hope on that day I'll see this tree.
Have no suspect, have no doubts.
They are the ones who've passed the trails.
They are the ones who have what it takes.
They are the OGLs two thousand and six.
This is written by me for the OGLs 2006...
Yes.. you guys have done it.
Not only did I saw a tree, I saw a forest.
You only reap what you sow. And I believe that it was all worth it.
If someone were to ask me... "Are They ready? Have preparations been made from head to toe?"
I would reply as of today, "I doubt so..."
But deep in my heart and from what i know,
Through the 2 weeks they WILL grow.
Start off firm and start off strong,
During planning, right the wrongs.
For this is similar to of planting seeds.
Much work is needed to succeed.
Work in excellence, work as one.
Young plants don't grow with nurseries undone.
I believe that on that day,
They will not be the ones to pray.
With enough confidence to conquer all,
No problems on that day will make them fall.
This is the wish that's in me,
I hope on that day I'll see this tree.
Have no suspect, have no doubts.
They are the ones who've passed the trails.
They are the ones who have what it takes.
They are the OGLs two thousand and six.
This is written by me for the OGLs 2006...
Yes.. you guys have done it.
Not only did I saw a tree, I saw a forest.
You only reap what you sow. And I believe that it was all worth it.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
So bored... seems like it takes forever for the bleach to load... damn it man..
And the KOF XI vids dun load as well omg so sian~!!
Since i'm here i might as well type something...
Hey it just suddenly load liao... woah must wait so long one meh..
Seems like i'm talking to myself...
ok.. clicked on another vid waiting for it to load.. hopefully
I think i am running out of money, so much things to pay for you know plus somemore need to save up for 22 and 23 magic pre-release...
hundred over dollars leh... say a lot also not much say little also not little.
I need money ah!!
let me play the bleach see it load till where liao...
so little nia... then kof also wun load this sucks man
maybe here are some stuff that u guys never actually thought about... ha ha here it goes~
1. Why is the sky blue?
2. Why is water blue?
3. How would we know that we are not color blind? and those that are color blind are the ones that are NOT color blind? (get it?)
4. Are viruses released by Anti-virus companies?
5. How come u cannot create energy? If u cannot create energy, where on earth did it ever even came about in the first place?
6.How come u can erase pencil marks?
7. Why giants have deep voices and tiny elves have sharp and squeeky voices.
8. Why does my spelling suck?
9. Where do they tell u practice makes perfect when nothing in the world is perfect?
10. Why should chairs have 5 legs?
All i can think of now... still need to wait for my bleach.. haizzz
And the KOF XI vids dun load as well omg so sian~!!
Since i'm here i might as well type something...
Hey it just suddenly load liao... woah must wait so long one meh..
Seems like i'm talking to myself...
ok.. clicked on another vid waiting for it to load.. hopefully
I think i am running out of money, so much things to pay for you know plus somemore need to save up for 22 and 23 magic pre-release...
hundred over dollars leh... say a lot also not much say little also not little.
I need money ah!!
let me play the bleach see it load till where liao...
so little nia... then kof also wun load this sucks man
maybe here are some stuff that u guys never actually thought about... ha ha here it goes~
1. Why is the sky blue?
2. Why is water blue?
3. How would we know that we are not color blind? and those that are color blind are the ones that are NOT color blind? (get it?)
4. Are viruses released by Anti-virus companies?
5. How come u cannot create energy? If u cannot create energy, where on earth did it ever even came about in the first place?
6.How come u can erase pencil marks?
7. Why giants have deep voices and tiny elves have sharp and squeeky voices.
8. Why does my spelling suck?
9. Where do they tell u practice makes perfect when nothing in the world is perfect?
10. Why should chairs have 5 legs?
All i can think of now... still need to wait for my bleach.. haizzz
Thursday, March 23, 2006
As of today 22th March 2006
Somethign real stupid happened today woah cannot tahan ah...It's so stupid i dun think i will even wan to change this font to arial man..
Serious leh... imagine ah you have 40 bucks in the TapZ card ah then suddenly ALL gone! WTF! Shit man I was playing the bball machine ah at DG(dunno how to spell, beside PS) MRT. Damn it ah i play play play ah. After play ifnish one round liao. Tired ah then see.. OEI why got so much credit one?!
Starting very happy leh woah say all the lucky day wor.. wad say so heng got day ah got free games leh. Then me and my 2 friends(Nat & Xavier) play ah play... Then i had this bad feeling.. I went to check my card balance... CCB from 40 buck ah go to 0.88 DOLLAR!!! KNN!! what the hell
All the credits went into the mahcine lor! Then was like OMG dunno wad to do ah then just play ah the people there also say bo bian.. shit lah... Lucky thing is the 40 bucks is i top 20 get 20 free one... Then somemore later got people come and buy credit from me... not bad lah get back 4 dollars...
While i was in the state of omg-ness ah from the loss of 40 bucks. I managed to play quite well ah lol a lot of people watching... It's either i played well or we just made a lot of noise lah... Which i think we did make a lot of noise..
Another good thing is that at least the credits left os 0.88 if like got 0.44 ah shit ah... 0.66 even worse!!
Still cannot believe this ah. Shit ah!
And oh yes... I did not smell like black pepper this morning! gong gong... I wan my songs leh
Serious leh... imagine ah you have 40 bucks in the TapZ card ah then suddenly ALL gone! WTF! Shit man I was playing the bball machine ah at DG(dunno how to spell, beside PS) MRT. Damn it ah i play play play ah. After play ifnish one round liao. Tired ah then see.. OEI why got so much credit one?!
Starting very happy leh woah say all the lucky day wor.. wad say so heng got day ah got free games leh. Then me and my 2 friends(Nat & Xavier) play ah play... Then i had this bad feeling.. I went to check my card balance... CCB from 40 buck ah go to 0.88 DOLLAR!!! KNN!! what the hell
All the credits went into the mahcine lor! Then was like OMG dunno wad to do ah then just play ah the people there also say bo bian.. shit lah... Lucky thing is the 40 bucks is i top 20 get 20 free one... Then somemore later got people come and buy credit from me... not bad lah get back 4 dollars...
While i was in the state of omg-ness ah from the loss of 40 bucks. I managed to play quite well ah lol a lot of people watching... It's either i played well or we just made a lot of noise lah... Which i think we did make a lot of noise..
Another good thing is that at least the credits left os 0.88 if like got 0.44 ah shit ah... 0.66 even worse!!
Still cannot believe this ah. Shit ah!
And oh yes... I did not smell like black pepper this morning! gong gong... I wan my songs leh
Friday, February 24, 2006
虽然当初对自己说没关系,寂寞敌不过时间的磨练 我想你
人类啊。。。 总是在失去过后,才懂得珍惜
那时明明就在面前的那份感情 你有过吗? 你有珍惜吗? 我有,但没珍惜
When chances comeby, you may think you are not up to it.
But chances only come to those who are ready.
虽然当初对自己说没关系,寂寞敌不过时间的磨练 我想你
人类啊。。。 总是在失去过后,才懂得珍惜
那时明明就在面前的那份感情 你有过吗? 你有珍惜吗? 我有,但没珍惜
When chances comeby, you may think you are not up to it.
But chances only come to those who are ready.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Current thoughts
How I wish... That true love can be found in this world and all.
For the love now that everyone speaks of, is unchallenged, unrefined... Not pure.
They tell me... Yes, there is. When true love comes your heart will tell, without hestitation. without pause.
But how... How can I listen to something that has already been broken? So hurt, so lost?
How I wish...That love can be like the Animes that we watch each day.
Through many dangers it braves, at end of the day only the true ones stay.
They tell me... It's all fake my friend, these you watch will not happen in life.
Then it is cleared then... true love lies only in fantasy, only to linger in the thoughts we drive...
-JY *sigh*
For the love now that everyone speaks of, is unchallenged, unrefined... Not pure.
They tell me... Yes, there is. When true love comes your heart will tell, without hestitation. without pause.
But how... How can I listen to something that has already been broken? So hurt, so lost?
How I wish...That love can be like the Animes that we watch each day.
Through many dangers it braves, at end of the day only the true ones stay.
They tell me... It's all fake my friend, these you watch will not happen in life.
Then it is cleared then... true love lies only in fantasy, only to linger in the thoughts we drive...
-JY *sigh*
Friday, January 13, 2006
Me, Me, Me
A man in this Zodiac has a thin long and proportional face. He has a high forehead and very cleaver. He looks like he can not stand or sit still, a very fast person. His nose is just right in size, thin lips, talk fast and very talkative. He can think faster than he talks, but once he start talking, he will talk non stop as if god has gifted him with that special talk machine mouth. He likes to cut his hair short and he is very athletic. He is a tall, slim and every movement of his is "Fast" or nearly call "Hyperactive". He has a long fingers and always tapping on table or moving his finger as if he is trying to grab something. He is the type who will write or scribble on paper, he never stay still. His hair always well comb or neat. He will spent a long time to comb his hair. He will keep his manicure and pedicure clean.
He is a well dress and clean guy, so if you like cleanliness, you will love him. He will keep all his cloth in big closet, and never throw away even shirts he never wear any more, but yet he still keep buying new cloths and make sure he is in style. He knows how to dress well even with a low budget. He get bored easily with his favorite cloths , cologne. He is very picky, so soap and his cologne even have to be in the same trend or same scent. If you date this kind of guy, you might think you are dating 2 guys, you will have to guess his feeling and emotion. Is he doing thing because it is a duty, or is it because he wants to? He change his mind as fast as he change a new pairs of shoes.
He can pick up a book and roughly read through and understand it's contents, so if you see a Gemini man who reads the whole book, then he must be influenced by other Zodiac. He hate to set fix schedule, and dislike a boring same routine job. He could hardly be on time, and can only keep time if it is complete important and necessary. He does not come late because he forgets, but because he always find other attractions along the way. He likes to act opposite to what he wants to do. He is a very good speaker and make a very good politician. He can easily persuade other people and well presented himself in public, a real charmer. If he is a writer, he will write the best seller. He always search for truth and constantly study himself. He never satisfy about his fame, his reputation or money, because he thinks he deserved more. He will keep searching even he is not sure what is his ultimate satisfaction.
Woman in love normally wants to feel secure and stable, but if you fall in love with this guy be prepare to be alone. He will come to see you when he feels like it. He won't even know how he spent his days everyday, so adjust yourself if you love him. Dating him is like dating 2 guys, so today he can tell you how much he loves you, but tomorrow he might call you to cancel your date. When he upsets, he could tell you he hate your dress, even it is the same dress he used to tell you make you look very sexy. Do not ask him why he is that's way for he won't have any explanations too. When he is back to normal mood, he will take you out again and forget what just happened. You can not expect him to be the same person now, and forever.
His changes will depend on you, for better or for worst. If you like to take risk and dare for challenges, you will get along with him fine. He keeps his emotional secretly as if hiding it, so you will not be able to see if he crazy in love with you, or does not give a damn at all, but be calm and patient. He will never leave you if he thinks you are a puzzle, then he will spent times solving this puzzle.
Turn ons
Gemini is a highly intellectual and versatile person. If you have a Geminipartner you have to match your wits with his wits to keep the zing in therelation. They want to be mentally stimulated so you have to be good inconversing. Your sense of humor will get you a permanent residence place in theheart of a Gem ini. Be more communicative with them and if you are good in thisthen you will never know how hours pass by with you holding each other`s hand. Turn offs Gemini`s like to do many things at the same time so if unfortunately you are thetypes who is looking for stability you may get disappointed. Do not hold back aGemini or you may lose him, as they are restless and need change in lifeconstantly. You should try to adopt yourself with the ever-changing Gemini.Orthodox or conservative old fashion ideas are no-no in their dictionary. Changewith the ever-changing Gemini and do not flow against the current.
Turn offs
Gemini`s like to do many things at the same time so if unfortunately you are thetypes who is looking for stability you may get disappointed. Do not hold back aGemini or you may lose him, as they are restless and need change in lifeconstantly. You should try to adopt yourself with the ever-changing Gemini.Orthodox or conservative old fashion ideas are no-no in their dictionary. Changewith the ever-changing Gemini and do not flow against the current.
Thinks far with vision
Easily influenced by kindness
Polite and soft-spokenHaving lots of ideas
Active mind
Tends to delay
Choosy and always wants the best
Funny and humorous
Loves to joke
Good debating skills
Knows how to make friends
Able to show character
Easily hurt
Prone to getting colds
Loves to dress up
Easily bored
Seldom show emotions
Takes time to recover when hurt
Brand conscious
Those who loves me are enemies
Those who hates me are friends
A man in this Zodiac has a thin long and proportional face. He has a high forehead and very cleaver. He looks like he can not stand or sit still, a very fast person. His nose is just right in size, thin lips, talk fast and very talkative. He can think faster than he talks, but once he start talking, he will talk non stop as if god has gifted him with that special talk machine mouth. He likes to cut his hair short and he is very athletic. He is a tall, slim and every movement of his is "Fast" or nearly call "Hyperactive". He has a long fingers and always tapping on table or moving his finger as if he is trying to grab something. He is the type who will write or scribble on paper, he never stay still. His hair always well comb or neat. He will spent a long time to comb his hair. He will keep his manicure and pedicure clean.
He is a well dress and clean guy, so if you like cleanliness, you will love him. He will keep all his cloth in big closet, and never throw away even shirts he never wear any more, but yet he still keep buying new cloths and make sure he is in style. He knows how to dress well even with a low budget. He get bored easily with his favorite cloths , cologne. He is very picky, so soap and his cologne even have to be in the same trend or same scent. If you date this kind of guy, you might think you are dating 2 guys, you will have to guess his feeling and emotion. Is he doing thing because it is a duty, or is it because he wants to? He change his mind as fast as he change a new pairs of shoes.
He can pick up a book and roughly read through and understand it's contents, so if you see a Gemini man who reads the whole book, then he must be influenced by other Zodiac. He hate to set fix schedule, and dislike a boring same routine job. He could hardly be on time, and can only keep time if it is complete important and necessary. He does not come late because he forgets, but because he always find other attractions along the way. He likes to act opposite to what he wants to do. He is a very good speaker and make a very good politician. He can easily persuade other people and well presented himself in public, a real charmer. If he is a writer, he will write the best seller. He always search for truth and constantly study himself. He never satisfy about his fame, his reputation or money, because he thinks he deserved more. He will keep searching even he is not sure what is his ultimate satisfaction.
Woman in love normally wants to feel secure and stable, but if you fall in love with this guy be prepare to be alone. He will come to see you when he feels like it. He won't even know how he spent his days everyday, so adjust yourself if you love him. Dating him is like dating 2 guys, so today he can tell you how much he loves you, but tomorrow he might call you to cancel your date. When he upsets, he could tell you he hate your dress, even it is the same dress he used to tell you make you look very sexy. Do not ask him why he is that's way for he won't have any explanations too. When he is back to normal mood, he will take you out again and forget what just happened. You can not expect him to be the same person now, and forever.
His changes will depend on you, for better or for worst. If you like to take risk and dare for challenges, you will get along with him fine. He keeps his emotional secretly as if hiding it, so you will not be able to see if he crazy in love with you, or does not give a damn at all, but be calm and patient. He will never leave you if he thinks you are a puzzle, then he will spent times solving this puzzle.
Turn ons
Gemini is a highly intellectual and versatile person. If you have a Geminipartner you have to match your wits with his wits to keep the zing in therelation. They want to be mentally stimulated so you have to be good inconversing. Your sense of humor will get you a permanent residence place in theheart of a Gem ini. Be more communicative with them and if you are good in thisthen you will never know how hours pass by with you holding each other`s hand. Turn offs Gemini`s like to do many things at the same time so if unfortunately you are thetypes who is looking for stability you may get disappointed. Do not hold back aGemini or you may lose him, as they are restless and need change in lifeconstantly. You should try to adopt yourself with the ever-changing Gemini.Orthodox or conservative old fashion ideas are no-no in their dictionary. Changewith the ever-changing Gemini and do not flow against the current.
Turn offs
Gemini`s like to do many things at the same time so if unfortunately you are thetypes who is looking for stability you may get disappointed. Do not hold back aGemini or you may lose him, as they are restless and need change in lifeconstantly. You should try to adopt yourself with the ever-changing Gemini.Orthodox or conservative old fashion ideas are no-no in their dictionary. Changewith the ever-changing Gemini and do not flow against the current.
Thinks far with vision
Easily influenced by kindness
Polite and soft-spokenHaving lots of ideas
Active mind
Tends to delay
Choosy and always wants the best
Funny and humorous
Loves to joke
Good debating skills
Knows how to make friends
Able to show character
Easily hurt
Prone to getting colds
Loves to dress up
Easily bored
Seldom show emotions
Takes time to recover when hurt
Brand conscious
Those who loves me are enemies
Those who hates me are friends
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Random stuff
在我们心里面 有一丝丝的怀念
常趁夜深的时 不忧(愈)地浮现在脑海里
Use Places to start the song
(回忆只是想不起来, 但永不消失(Only cannot remember but wun forget)
to be continued
在我们心里面 有一丝丝的怀念
常趁夜深的时 不忧(愈)地浮现在脑海里
Use Places to start the song
(回忆只是想不起来, 但永不消失(Only cannot remember but wun forget)
to be continued
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