Monday, June 11, 2007

11 June 2007

OMG.. I am sitting here with my labtop in my room with my Desktop DEAD. It's dead for dunno what reason. This was what happened.

I decided to download drawn of mana from PS2 and I alo found the para para PS2 game ISO whihc i happily d/l-ed and told myself "Finally"!

Then I went for a shower.

THEN! I came bacand OMG! It's the blue screen of SUPER DEATH man!!! The sort that when you change an incompetible RAM into a old motherboard. Some sort of error when you did not initalise an Array while programming 0x00000000 error-dunno-what-the-hell. Wah lau eh.... Then ok lah restart lo. Restart liao I thought that it would revert into the normal computer when i got the error. But NO!

NO man. No... At first it starts but after it tried tostart Windows, it restarts by itself! Holy shit... 100% restart rate man. Si bei sian...

Anyone can help me?!!!? My bro says that his friends experienced it as an over heat of the computer but I don't hink so.... Anyone can help? :(

Music Mood: 2/4 Rock

Today also went over to Mel's place to tune my drums. The snare took like 1 and a half hours but it still ends up sounding like "Teug" instead of the correct "Tuck" well, at least I made it sound a LITTLE bit right. Ha Ha.

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