Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
This post has been given "change" as a title. As simple as it seems. Change can means a lot of things.
But first of let's have a thought of the day(or night in this case). Get it?! Oh nevermind...
Sometime in a point in life, perhaps you have thought that you are actually good at something and others may have commented that you are the best or something along that line.
Or you have competed within your own group of peers, be it a class or a play group of MMO players, and you dicover you are the best.
Thing is, it does not make you the best. It just makes you better then the people you know.
Take it like this. By competing within your own set of peers, you are just in a small pond. The thought itself that you are the best will be eaten in the sea. Well at least i've have. Ha ha but at least not in the sea lah in the next bigger pond.
When you think that you are the best, look a little further and you realise that you are just so small in this world.
But however! If you ever achieve the best, you are probably lonely. At least that's what they usually project in those chinese wo xia flims lah.
Well if you have read the above and realised that you are in that kind of situation, don't wait till it strikes you one day when you eventually enter the sea.
Learn it from others and start to CHANGE.
That brings us into the topic today/tonight: Change.
Change should occur when one realise that something is wrong or when on feels uncomfortable with what he/she has around him/her.
It maybe a change in the environment or the other way round, a change made within the person to suit the environment. For some change takes time, some wait till the new year and set a goal or changes he/she wants to achieve. Whereas some does it on the spot right here right now.
Now, some may agree that changing slowly is the right way to do it since you give yourself or your body/mind time to adapt to the new suround or practices that you may have changed.
For others, instant changes would make them happier or feeling more statified.
My point of view is that changes sometimes taken too long a time will result in the giving up of the actual idea of the change. Where as some changes really really need time. I can't think of any examples that require time to change but instant change are always best if one can sort of "sustain" it.
But first of let's have a thought of the day(or night in this case). Get it?! Oh nevermind...
Sometime in a point in life, perhaps you have thought that you are actually good at something and others may have commented that you are the best or something along that line.
Or you have competed within your own group of peers, be it a class or a play group of MMO players, and you dicover you are the best.
Thing is, it does not make you the best. It just makes you better then the people you know.
Take it like this. By competing within your own set of peers, you are just in a small pond. The thought itself that you are the best will be eaten in the sea. Well at least i've have. Ha ha but at least not in the sea lah in the next bigger pond.
When you think that you are the best, look a little further and you realise that you are just so small in this world.
But however! If you ever achieve the best, you are probably lonely. At least that's what they usually project in those chinese wo xia flims lah.
Well if you have read the above and realised that you are in that kind of situation, don't wait till it strikes you one day when you eventually enter the sea.
Learn it from others and start to CHANGE.
That brings us into the topic today/tonight: Change.
Change should occur when one realise that something is wrong or when on feels uncomfortable with what he/she has around him/her.
It maybe a change in the environment or the other way round, a change made within the person to suit the environment. For some change takes time, some wait till the new year and set a goal or changes he/she wants to achieve. Whereas some does it on the spot right here right now.
Now, some may agree that changing slowly is the right way to do it since you give yourself or your body/mind time to adapt to the new suround or practices that you may have changed.
For others, instant changes would make them happier or feeling more statified.
My point of view is that changes sometimes taken too long a time will result in the giving up of the actual idea of the change. Where as some changes really really need time. I can't think of any examples that require time to change but instant change are always best if one can sort of "sustain" it.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
07112007 2123
Thoughts weaved as I took the trip home from Air Force School.
The friends that we meet along our lives;
Are they just mere passer-bys they we just happen to cross paths with?
Or they walk along side you for as long as the friendship can hold?
I feel, friends that appear in your life is like you taking a bus.
No one knows who the driver is, you are one of the passengers that board it.
Different buses represent different phrases of your life, be it from Primary school to Secondary school or even to National Service.
These buses that we would board have different passengers.
You board a bus, get to know the people on the bus. Some of them you would dislike and others you woule find something special in them.
The thought that came to me was, at these certain phases of life, some of the passengers you have had met before would cross paths with you. Does it mean that the friendship would be "renewed" or would it be strengthened?
Friends that we make in life, happens so that we always stop seeing each other after alighting these different "buses". Yes, we do keep in touch. However the things we do are never going to be the same again.
Surely everyone has experienced this before. "Missing the good old times." "Ah how I wish that we could do what we used to do again." These few sentences would submerge whenever we see old friends.
Strangely the only things we seems to share are simply put, "update" of our current lives and the experience we had in the previous "bus".
Is it what we are looking for?
Wouldn't it be nice for us to get together again and do the things we used to do?
No, would be the answer usually to the question.
The current situations don't allow it or we have all grown up.
Then again what does growing up mean?
Does it mean to leave old friends behind? Does it mean to just be able to update each other on what we are doing?
Keep in touch! Let's meet up again!
Often said but lost in time. Time and the hectic lifestyle slowly erodes old friends away. Making them seem far away.
These may seem like just plain old rubbish but hey, these thoughts are swimming in my head as I type.
This may not have a concludsion but at least I gave it "form".
The friends that we meet along our lives;
Are they just mere passer-bys they we just happen to cross paths with?
Or they walk along side you for as long as the friendship can hold?
I feel, friends that appear in your life is like you taking a bus.
No one knows who the driver is, you are one of the passengers that board it.
Different buses represent different phrases of your life, be it from Primary school to Secondary school or even to National Service.
These buses that we would board have different passengers.
You board a bus, get to know the people on the bus. Some of them you would dislike and others you woule find something special in them.
The thought that came to me was, at these certain phases of life, some of the passengers you have had met before would cross paths with you. Does it mean that the friendship would be "renewed" or would it be strengthened?
Friends that we make in life, happens so that we always stop seeing each other after alighting these different "buses". Yes, we do keep in touch. However the things we do are never going to be the same again.
Surely everyone has experienced this before. "Missing the good old times." "Ah how I wish that we could do what we used to do again." These few sentences would submerge whenever we see old friends.
Strangely the only things we seems to share are simply put, "update" of our current lives and the experience we had in the previous "bus".
Is it what we are looking for?
Wouldn't it be nice for us to get together again and do the things we used to do?
No, would be the answer usually to the question.
The current situations don't allow it or we have all grown up.
Then again what does growing up mean?
Does it mean to leave old friends behind? Does it mean to just be able to update each other on what we are doing?
Keep in touch! Let's meet up again!
Often said but lost in time. Time and the hectic lifestyle slowly erodes old friends away. Making them seem far away.
These may seem like just plain old rubbish but hey, these thoughts are swimming in my head as I type.
This may not have a concludsion but at least I gave it "form".
Monday, June 18, 2007
Now the feeling is like half of the world that are gone for no reason. Ha ha.. Suddenly all my friends are gone msn is dead now. People msg-ing me telling me "Seeya man". With me telling them to call me when they get out. It's feels kinda funny. Others would tell me "Brother! It's my last day liao lah. It's over man!" You're not gonna DIE dude! LoL
Me and my band ate inside a MRT station a few days ago. It was my most exciting meal ever! Everytime the announcement says Pls do not eat and that stuff we shift place. There were cameras around! lol... and Yes we ate INSIDE the MRT station. Not just snakcs but a complete MEAL. 2 piece chicken meal if u have to know hahah.
Been chionging blood+ untill now a bit sick too heaty, I think.
Currently listenning to This love 3rd ending of blood+. Nice; my kind of stuff.
Music Mood: Anything slow. I think This Love is 3/4
Me and my band ate inside a MRT station a few days ago. It was my most exciting meal ever! Everytime the announcement says Pls do not eat and that stuff we shift place. There were cameras around! lol... and Yes we ate INSIDE the MRT station. Not just snakcs but a complete MEAL. 2 piece chicken meal if u have to know hahah.
Been chionging blood+ untill now a bit sick too heaty, I think.
Currently listenning to This love 3rd ending of blood+. Nice; my kind of stuff.
Music Mood: Anything slow. I think This Love is 3/4
Monday, June 11, 2007
11 June 2007
OMG.. I am sitting here with my labtop in my room with my Desktop DEAD. It's dead for dunno what reason. This was what happened.
I decided to download drawn of mana from PS2 and I alo found the para para PS2 game ISO whihc i happily d/l-ed and told myself "Finally"!
Then I went for a shower.
THEN! I came bacand OMG! It's the blue screen of SUPER DEATH man!!! The sort that when you change an incompetible RAM into a old motherboard. Some sort of error when you did not initalise an Array while programming 0x00000000 error-dunno-what-the-hell. Wah lau eh.... Then ok lah restart lo. Restart liao I thought that it would revert into the normal computer when i got the error. But NO!
NO man. No... At first it starts but after it tried tostart Windows, it restarts by itself! Holy shit... 100% restart rate man. Si bei sian...
Anyone can help me?!!!? My bro says that his friends experienced it as an over heat of the computer but I don't hink so.... Anyone can help? :(
Music Mood: 2/4 Rock
Today also went over to Mel's place to tune my drums. The snare took like 1 and a half hours but it still ends up sounding like "Teug" instead of the correct "Tuck" well, at least I made it sound a LITTLE bit right. Ha Ha.
I decided to download drawn of mana from PS2 and I alo found the para para PS2 game ISO whihc i happily d/l-ed and told myself "Finally"!
Then I went for a shower.
THEN! I came bacand OMG! It's the blue screen of SUPER DEATH man!!! The sort that when you change an incompetible RAM into a old motherboard. Some sort of error when you did not initalise an Array while programming 0x00000000 error-dunno-what-the-hell. Wah lau eh.... Then ok lah restart lo. Restart liao I thought that it would revert into the normal computer when i got the error. But NO!
NO man. No... At first it starts but after it tried tostart Windows, it restarts by itself! Holy shit... 100% restart rate man. Si bei sian...
Anyone can help me?!!!? My bro says that his friends experienced it as an over heat of the computer but I don't hink so.... Anyone can help? :(
Music Mood: 2/4 Rock
Today also went over to Mel's place to tune my drums. The snare took like 1 and a half hours but it still ends up sounding like "Teug" instead of the correct "Tuck" well, at least I made it sound a LITTLE bit right. Ha Ha.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Rhythm of Life
Well... I guess i decided to revert my Blog to what it originally was. At least that's what made me feel better so I went ahead and 'destroy' the KH skin. It is now 11pm and i want to sleep already...
Rhythm of Life; something I hope to find within my drumming experiences that I am trying to get as much as possible.
Maybe I don't have a goal, maybe I don't even have a cause. Some might see it as 'Aiya! This guy too free lah then go learn drumming then after that will quit de lah'. For me, it is something i picked up when I had the free time yes, there are LOTS of other things that i picked up and throw away within just a few days. But this s different, with my band members going all out as well, this is will be different.
Times I find myself doing something maybe not for myselfbut for others. Friends are my source of motivation in my case. To do something alone would probably never work for me. It is quite dumb for me to delete the WHOLE sentence just because i missed out on letter at the start of the sentence LoL Wth.... Ah sorry got a little off track, but hey it's TRUE(and i just did it! I missed out the letter 't' in litte Damn it!)
With the hope that i can find what i would like to call the Rhythm of Life through drumming is something I thought of while just sitting down and letting my mind run.(or A.K.A. I was in the toilet) It might have been something that i thought of just to make it sound cool? or just an 'excuse' to let myself continue learning and improving on my drumming skills? I don't know man. I guess time will tell.
Time will tell...
About a little of what happenned in my life today was i went to the AMK arcade and i decided to play DM but no sticks lah so i used the in-house sticks. They were HEAVY! OMG! I think I'm used to my light sticks that i can't even play without them. Heh, It's the beginning of our journey uh, My drumsticks...
ok sleeep liaozz,
In Tune, Rythm of Life.
Rhythm of Life; something I hope to find within my drumming experiences that I am trying to get as much as possible.
Maybe I don't have a goal, maybe I don't even have a cause. Some might see it as 'Aiya! This guy too free lah then go learn drumming then after that will quit de lah'. For me, it is something i picked up when I had the free time yes, there are LOTS of other things that i picked up and throw away within just a few days. But this s different, with my band members going all out as well, this is will be different.
Times I find myself doing something maybe not for myselfbut for others. Friends are my source of motivation in my case. To do something alone would probably never work for me. It is quite dumb for me to delete the WHOLE sentence just because i missed out on letter at the start of the sentence LoL Wth.... Ah sorry got a little off track, but hey it's TRUE(and i just did it! I missed out the letter 't' in litte Damn it!)
With the hope that i can find what i would like to call the Rhythm of Life through drumming is something I thought of while just sitting down and letting my mind run.(or A.K.A. I was in the toilet) It might have been something that i thought of just to make it sound cool? or just an 'excuse' to let myself continue learning and improving on my drumming skills? I don't know man. I guess time will tell.
Time will tell...
About a little of what happenned in my life today was i went to the AMK arcade and i decided to play DM but no sticks lah so i used the in-house sticks. They were HEAVY! OMG! I think I'm used to my light sticks that i can't even play without them. Heh, It's the beginning of our journey uh, My drumsticks...
ok sleeep liaozz,
In Tune, Rythm of Life.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Dream journal
All i remembered from last night's dream was...
She and I took a bus, went to a mall to see whether her great aunt was there.
It was like a gamble. If her great aunt was there, she would be gone.
As we reached the mall the bunch of us walk toward the shop whihc the great aunt was working at. She was nervous, we held hands as we walked.
Into the shop we went. At first glance she wasn't there. Sighs of relieve came through for both of us. But a second check upon the shop proved otherwise.
I ask her to leave with me. She refused; saying that it was the other end of the bargain.
We then set off for the bus stop. There, we sat facing each other. She was quiet.
I said, " It was possible between us."
Her eyes were sad. Our forheads met, I help both of her hands up and brought it up between us.
"I will wait for you."
THEN i woke up woah raining sia... then go back sleep see the dream wil continue or not. Then i dun think got continue ah. dreamt of her clinging on me then we swimming then dunno wad. then woke up @ 1230. still raining. So nice to sleep man
She and I took a bus, went to a mall to see whether her great aunt was there.
It was like a gamble. If her great aunt was there, she would be gone.
As we reached the mall the bunch of us walk toward the shop whihc the great aunt was working at. She was nervous, we held hands as we walked.
Into the shop we went. At first glance she wasn't there. Sighs of relieve came through for both of us. But a second check upon the shop proved otherwise.
I ask her to leave with me. She refused; saying that it was the other end of the bargain.
We then set off for the bus stop. There, we sat facing each other. She was quiet.
I said, " It was possible between us."
Her eyes were sad. Our forheads met, I help both of her hands up and brought it up between us.
"I will wait for you."
THEN i woke up woah raining sia... then go back sleep see the dream wil continue or not. Then i dun think got continue ah. dreamt of her clinging on me then we swimming then dunno wad. then woke up @ 1230. still raining. So nice to sleep man
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Had a dream last night, it was the memories of the SIT orientation back when I was an OGL. Time does fly huh...
The memories of the days came to 'haunt' me. A good thing? Might it be a curse? I do not know.
It is a never ending cycle. Go through it, hate it, leave it, miss it, cherish it.
Songs and voices from my memories, echo through my head. Seemed so real, I feel like crying.
People I've seen, places I've been, only sums up as a sweet sweet dream.
When I woke up, everything's gone. Faded away, never to return.
Faded to a place called Memories, a place where most beauty would be.
As I sat on my bed, wondering, wondering if I had cried in my sleep.
すてきだね~ I finally understood what it meant.
The memories of the days came to 'haunt' me. A good thing? Might it be a curse? I do not know.
It is a never ending cycle. Go through it, hate it, leave it, miss it, cherish it.
Songs and voices from my memories, echo through my head. Seemed so real, I feel like crying.
People I've seen, places I've been, only sums up as a sweet sweet dream.
When I woke up, everything's gone. Faded away, never to return.
Faded to a place called Memories, a place where most beauty would be.
As I sat on my bed, wondering, wondering if I had cried in my sleep.
すてきだね~ I finally understood what it meant.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
The lousiest chain mail
I have recieved the funniest chain mail EVER! LoL
Check this out folks:

Is this ent by the hotmail staff? Looks like it... But!
Send it to fifteen people? If this news is that important why doesn't hotmail send it to everyone? That number one.
Secondly, this is a picture. Photoshop? I highly suspect it.
Third and lastly, upon checking the first mail that sent this dates back to 20 jan 2007. which is almost one month from now... Will hotmail spend one month just to check who has been using thei accounts and who isn't? I think not.
24 hours huh... Nah~
Die chain mails.
Check this out folks:
Is this ent by the hotmail staff? Looks like it... But!
Send it to fifteen people? If this news is that important why doesn't hotmail send it to everyone? That number one.
Secondly, this is a picture. Photoshop? I highly suspect it.
Third and lastly, upon checking the first mail that sent this dates back to 20 jan 2007. which is almost one month from now... Will hotmail spend one month just to check who has been using thei accounts and who isn't? I think not.
24 hours huh... Nah~
Die chain mails.
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